A web service deployed on Raspberry Pi based on Nginx
Prepare the Raspberry Pi
install the Raspberry Pi os into the microSD card, setup the username/password before write into card
power on the Pi and plug in the network cable
get the ip address of the Pi through the router admin page
on another machine ssh into the Pi
enable tcp forwarding for ssh(if you want to use vscode to remote work on it)
Write a service using express and nodeJS
prepare the work space
write the welcome service
run the service and we should be able to see the welcome page on any machine's browser using the ip address
Replace the Nodejs server with the Nginx server
install Nginx
set up the reverse proxy, by enabling the reverse proxy, we added a layer between nodeJS server and the client side to realize the load balance
now if we use any browser under the same wifi network to access the ip address, we can see the welcome page. All the request going to the ip will be handled by Nginx and be sent to localhost:5000 then.